Philipp von Weitershausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I don't think I would like to redesign my objects just because the
> > addIntIdSubscriber does not catch NotYet when getting IKeyReference:
> > 
> >  <at> adapter(ILocation, IObjectAddedEvent)
> > def addIntIdSubscriber(ob, event):
> >     # ...
> >     utilities = tuple(getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(IIntIds))
> >     if utilities: # assert that there are any utilites
> >         key = IKeyReference(ob, None) # HERE IS RAISED EXCEPTION
> >         # ...
> > 
> Why not write a custom IKeyReference adapter that doesn't raise the 
> exception? You could even let the adaption fail completely so that the 
> addIntIdSubscriber gets a None for 'key' and doesn't proceed:
>  <at> adapter(YourClass)
> def keyReference(obj):
>      return None # adaption failed on purpose, don't want key references

Yeah, you are right! This looks as the simplest solution, much simpler than
overriding addIntIdSubscriber in some way (if it is possible, which I'm not 

Warm regards!

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