Hi all,

Sure someone's probably come across something similar, but I couldn't
find anything in the archives: our zope is refusing to allow download
of files greater than around 170M through the http server. We have a
number of db dumpfiles we want people to be able to access. We are
running Zope 2.7.0 with an Apache front (reverse-proxy, as our zope is
on a non-standard port) on a linux2.4 kernel (mosix) with bags of
memory; the apache end is fine - the zope installation is local and I
am using the port number with all the same problems.

1) I can download a 170M file but not a 180M file through the http
server. With the larger file request we get a 500 error in the trace
log. The download box pops up but nothing is actually downloaded.

2) I can reach both through the ftp server but transfer rate is
ridiculous (1.7Kb/sec) for a University lan.

3) Even if I could find out why ftp transfer is so slow and sort it, I
seem unable to grant a non-manager read access to a LocalFS object:
the properties don't stick when I change them, and Zope creates the
link to the local directory with user Zope, group Zope, permissions
660, hence although managers can reach the files, nothing is reachable
for an 'anonymous' user (I created a special user for ftp and gave
only access to the specific directories, before you voice concerns!)

I don't know all the ins and outs of Zope and there's probably
something obvious I haven't done, but any help greatly appreciated,
it's been driving me mad. I guess another option is to use our apache
front for secure ftp access, but I wanted everything tidy, and besides
I don't have root privileges on the server.

Thanks in advance,
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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