--On 23. August 2006 15:36:16 -0400 beno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You're really not going to win any friends, or get any help, with this

Sometimes it's the only way to get past the arrogant belligerent list
subscribers who choose to make miserable the lives of those of us who ask
questions they consider stupid :) And it worked, didn't it?

When I look at the subject, yelling in uppercase letters....in the early 90s
I learned at university that this is a clear misbehavior. I won't mention all the other "violations" of the good old well-known rules how to a mailinglist. Beno, you deserve the Millenium award for being the worst participant of this list ever. The triviality of your question, your unteachable manner...perhaps one last hint: don't use Zope, don't touch

Before posting again, first read a document like:



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