This kind of actitude is what doing me and other like me stop to participate to this list and I hope soon left Zope as a good tool without future
Andreas your actutide and your way make some of others seek at other technologies Is you who could be silent if you can't be gentle You think that you are God but you are only one as others, I don't see why your opinion is better thant Dieter's or mine or other's The real thing is that you and other like you are killing Zope community, take note, man You need some listening course. Here we are human beings not machines like you who know everything and never make mistakes Sorry, man, we make mistakes and we sometimes seem stupid, in spanish we said: quien tiene boca se equivoca (who have mouth make mistakes) I appreciate your help everysingle time you give me but if it's needed to hear you saying how wrong I am or how stupid I am... 2009/4/13 Dieter Maurer <> > Andreas Jung wrote at 2009-4-12 09:52 +0200: > > .... > >@Dieter: participate or be silent. > > I do not obey your orders. > > You are Zope 2 release manager and part of the > Foundation board -- but you do not have command power over things outside > the Zope 2 release management and the foundation. > > Thus, I will participate in the way I have participated so far (i.e > outside the circles controlled by the current Zope developers). > And I will not be silent but continue to criticize tendencies that > make Zope a less reliable platform for long living applications. > > > -- > Dieter > _______________________________________________ > Zope maillist - > > ** No cross posts or HTML encoding! ** > (Related lists - > > ) > -- Mis Cosas Zope Smart Manager
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