Did you think that I'm considering myself part of these comunity? Since the first time I wrote here you are telling me that I'm wrong even if you don't know a word of what I'm doing
Did you think that I have good opinion about Zope, at this time, to contribute? I make a contribution that no one except Tim Nash make any kind of comment (thanks again Tim!) By now I only use Plone at work for money not for passion and I make things by money or by passion What kind of contribution do you think someone needs to do to be respected? Something that you think it was useful or something that the contruibutor thinks it was? Perhaps if you know how to hear you could think that ZSM (or other products) will be interessat for the Zope community But you choose what you choose This is what do open source big: you could be agree with a community or you can make your own way I choose the tools I'm using because they are great ideas AND has a good people how wants to help and wants to be a community Zope is a great idea, with people how wants to help except when they don't understand what are you doing and you don't say nothing about the future of your investment (and yes we are investing like you our time and money with something that you create, we are confiding our lives to you movements. Perhaps in other communities they think that this is quite important) do you want that everyone contribute here? Well, respect us and don't think we are as stupids to talk to us like you are 2009/4/13 Andreas Jung <li...@zopyx.com> > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > On 13.04.2009 14:28 Uhr, Garito wrote: > > > > > The real thing is that you and other like you are killing Zope > > community, take note, man > > Before you make such nonsense statements, please step up and show > your engagement in the Zope community e.g. by contributing to it. > There are lots of low hanging fruits for showing your engagement e.g. > the Zope 2 relaunch project (announced and blogged several times about > it). People having expectations like there will be some dorks doing the > dirty community work like maintaining software and websites can kill a > community. > > Andreas > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin) > Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/ > > iEYEARECAAYFAknjh2IACgkQCJIWIbr9KYy/iQCdFl/DnX4DyhkfCcqX7JAVM1ht > XMQAn1LWRP590dfzB50UvtVtoJSGe3P2 > =c66e > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > -- Mis Cosas http://blogs.sistes.net/Garito Zope Smart Manager http://blogs.sistes.net/Garito/670
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