On Jun 23, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Marcos Romero wrote:

> Winn
> Your configure.zcml file doesn't look like a ZopeSkel 2.15 generated
> one, as this version doesn't create an interfaces.py file but an
> interfaces folder.
> Check this:
> http://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/ZopeSkel/tags/2.15/zopeskel/templates/archetype/+namespace_package+/+package+/interfaces/

It creates the file, but then imports the interface from the file into 

> Are you sure you selected the right commands?
> Regards
> -- 
> Marcos F. Romero
> Responsable de Desarrollo
> Inter-Cultura
> marcos.rom...@inter-cultura.com
> www.inter-cultura.com
> +54 11 4542-8299
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Marcos Romero
> <marcos.rom...@inter-cultura.com> wrote:
>> Hi Winn
>> I think the problem should be in listing.Listing class or in
>> interfaces.IListing interface.
>> Please, check if any of these contain this line:
>> from zope import schema
>> Regards
>> --
>> Marcos F. Romero
>> Responsable de Desarrollo
>> Inter-Cultura
>> marcos.rom...@inter-cultura.com
>> www.inter-cultura.com
>> +54 11 4542-8299
>> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Winn King <w...@totsie.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 16:50:30 -0700, Cristopher Ewing wrote:
>>>> On Jun 23, 2010, at 2:54 PM, Winn King wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Created a new product using archetypes template and contenttype and
>>>>> atschema localcommands. Added to buildout.cfg and ran buildout
>>>>> successfully. Upon restarting, getting this error:
>>>> ...
>>>>>    ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "/home/winn/Z13/zinstance/src/
>>>>> pcg.featuredlistings/pcg/featuredlistings/configure.zcml", line
>>>>> 12.2-12.32
>>>>>    ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "/home/winn/Z13/zinstance/src/
>>>>> pcg.featuredlistings/pcg/featuredlistings/content/configure.zcml", line
>>>>> 9.2
>>>>>    NameError: name 'schema' is not defined
>>>>> Any clues?
>>>> Winn,
>>>> My first thought is 'what's in
>>>> pcg/featuredlistings/content/configure.zcml?' Can you provide a bit more
>>>> context, perhaps attach that file or even a zip of the package itself?
>>>> I haven't run into this with something created with a content type and
>>>> schemata created with defaults, but that means little.
>>>> Do you have the latest version of zopeskel?
>>>> c
>>> Thanks for responding.
>>> I have version 2.15
>>> Here's configure.zcml as created by zopeskel (no changes were made to it):
>>> <configure
>>>    xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope";
>>>    xmlns:five="http://namespaces.zope.org/five";
>>>    i18n_domain="pcg.featuredlistings">
>>>  <!-- configure your content components here -->
>>>  <!-- -*- extra stuff goes here -*- -->
>>>  <class class=".listing.Listing">
>>>    <require
>>>        permission="zope2.View"
>>>        interface="..interfaces.IListing"
>>>        />
>>>    <require
>>>        permission="cmf.ModifyPortalContent"
>>>        set_schema="..interfaces.IListing"
>>>        />
>>>  </class>
>>>  <class class=".featuredlistingsfolder.FeaturedListingsFolder">
>>>    <require
>>>        permission="zope2.View"
>>>        interface="..interfaces.IFeaturedListingsFolder"
>>>        />
>>>    <require
>>>        permission="cmf.ModifyPortalContent"
>>>        set_schema="..interfaces.IFeaturedListingsFolder"
>>>        />
>>>  </class>
>>>  <class class=".featuredlistingsfolder.FeaturedListingsFolder">
>>>    <require
>>>        permission="zope2.View"
>>>        interface="..interfaces.IFeaturedListingsFolder"
>>>        />
>>>  </class>
>>>  <class class=".listing.Listing">
>>>    <require
>>>        permission="zope2.View"
>>>        interface="..interfaces.IListing"
>>>        />
>>>  </class>
>>> </configure>
>>> Winn
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> -- 
> Marcos F. Romero
> Responsable de Desarrollo
> Inter-Cultura
> marcos.rom...@inter-cultura.com
> www.inter-cultura.com
> +54 11 4542-8299
> _______________________________________________
> ZopeSkel mailing list
> ZopeSkel@lists.plone.org
> http://lists.plone.org/mailman/listinfo/zopeskel

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Department of Radiology Web Services
University of Washington
School of Medicine
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