Review: Needs Fixing

- remove from modules/w3c/xpath_functions.xq (it's not defined in the XQuery 
FOTS spec)
- the function should handle streamable strings as well
- does canonicalization allow for options? If so, we should expose them
- the prefix of the module should not be parse-xml anymore because there are 
not only parsing-related functions in the module
- the function probably shouldn't raise any errors form the spec (i.e. FODC0006)
- the special state is not needed (theDocString doesn't seem to be used anyway)
- the function doesn't access the dynamic context, hence the 
zorba:accessesDynCtx element can be removed from the spec
- the  condition 'if (consumeNext(result, theChildren[0].getp(), planState))' 
can be removed because the function is guaranteed to get one result

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