Hello William,

Thank you for the advice.
> Hey there! 
> Great to hear you want to use this in a container. I have a few things to 
> advise here.
> From reading this it looks like you want to have:
> [ Container 1 ]    [ Container 2 ]    [ Container 3 ]
>           |                       |                           |
> [                       Shared Volume                          ]
> So first off, this is *not* possible or supported. Every DS instance needs 
> it's own
> volume, and they replicate to each other:
> [ Container 1 ]    [ Container 2 ]    [ Container 3 ]
>          |                            |                         | 
> [   Volume 1   ]   [     Volume 2 ]    [    Volume 3   ]
> You probably also can't autoscale (easily) as a result of this. I'm still 
> working
> on ideas to address this ... 
> But you can manually scale, if you script things properly.
I have a separate persistent volume mounted to each container, as you suggest. 
I use a statefulset, so the same volume is mounted across container 

> Every instance needs it's own changelog, and that is related to it's replica 
> ID.
> If you remove a replica there IS a clean up process. Remember, 389 is not 
> designed as a
> purely stateless app, so you'll need to do some work to manage this. 
I've setup each instance to have it's own changelog, present in the persistent 
volume. The scenario I had in mind was, if a container is deleted and 
recreated, for any reason. My assumption is it'll take a few minutes, or 
probably hours, in the worst case scenario. For all practical purposes, this 
will be like a reboot of a host running a ds instance. Should I have any checks 
to see if it's working, or leave it alone and let replication deal with the 
> You'll need to just assert they exist statefully - ansible can help here.
Since I'm using persistent volumes, the replication agreements will be in 
place, if it's a configured instance. It struck me while writing this reply, 
that a container replacement, in my case, will be similar to a host reboot, as 
all the config/data is available in a persistent volume. In this case, do I 
need to treat container replacement differently?

> What do you mean by "re-init" here? from another replica? The answer is ...
> "it depends".

> So many things can go wrong. Every instance needs it's own volume, and data 
> is shared
> via replication. 
> Right now, my effort for containerisation has been to help support running 
> 389 in atomic
> host or suse transactional server. Running in kubernetes "out of the box" is a
> stretch goal at the moment, but if you are willing to tackle it, I'd fully 
> help and
> support you to upstream some of that work. 
> Most likely, you'll need to roll your own image, and youll need to do some 
> work in
> dscontainer (our python init tool) to support adding/removing of replicas, 
> configuration
> of the replicaid, and the replication passwords. 
Since I started this project a while ago, I have been using a base image and 
installing 389 on top of it, with some modifications, taken from 
https://github.com/dabelenda/container-389ds/blob/master/Dockerfile, which 
disable hostname checks, remove the startup via systemd, etc. I'm using 
kubernetes secrets for storing passwords for directory manager, replication 
manager, etc. For replica id configuration, as I'm using a statefulset which 
spins up containers with names like 389-ds-0, 389-ds-1, 389-ds-2, I'm reading 
the hostname of the container and generating the replica ID.  I haven't yet 
tried  the dscontainer tool, which I see that does some of the things that the 
linked dockerfile does, and a lot more too. 

> At a guess your POD architecture should be 1 HUB which receives all incomming 
> replication
> traffic, and then the HUB dynamically adds/removes agreements to the the 
> consumers, and
> manages them. The consumers are then behind the haproxy instance that is part 
> of kube. 
> Your writeable servers should probably still be outside of this system for 
> the moment :) 
> Does that help? I'm really happy to answer any questions, help with planning 
> and
> improve our container support upstream with you. 
> Thanks, 
> —
> Sincerely,
> William Brown
> Senior Software Engineer, 389 Directory Server
> SUSE Labs

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