On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 5:32 PM, ron minnich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> here is a thought:
> the kernel does mmap for code/data. This is because we think of a file
> as a segment of data that somehow maps well to a segment of memory.
> You wouldn't execute code from a stream, now, would you?
> Well, this: http://www.ambric.com/
> has hardware channels. And you can
> call from channel
> and execute code being sent down a channel to you from another cpu.

> There's no real analogue to this in any OS I've used for a while ...
> You could write the mcilroy sieve in this very directly. You could
> even, when starting a new thread, push the code down to the next cpu.
> And that cpu is paused in a call from channel until it gets its code.
> A nice way to keep them idle until you need them.
> it's a very interesting architecture, to say the least. For me anyway
> the most novel thing I've seen in a while.

The ARM 7 and ARM 9 procs in the Nintendo DS can talk back and forth via a
FIFO at a pretty low level :-)



> ron

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