> Because at the beginning of the put function in exec.c you have:
>        if(et==nil || et->w==nil || et->w->isdir)
>                return;
> and et->w->isdir is true. But there are workarounds if you want to
> save the contents of the window.

Well, I had some text in in-this-way created window and I only grabbed
the window trying to place it in another column and suddenly it was
all empty... :( All my text not only not saved, but lost completely...
This isn't nice.

So is there a workaround other than 1) make a new window, 2) copy &
past the text there 3) save from the new window?

I thought that the decision when it saves and when not should be
directed by the name format: ending with / then not save, ending with
sth sane, save...


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