jack writes:
| BarFly needs ! too.  You can presumably use it to detect when a line
| has been completed without there being a barline at the end.  Which
| would make those of us who want to write open-ended lines very happy.

Not sure I follow this.  Why is ! needed at all?  Standard ABC has  a
perfectly  usable  and  intuitive  way of saying whether a staff ends
with a bar line. If there's a | at the end of the line, there's a bar
line  at  the end of the staff.  If not, not.  What could be simpler?
What does ! add to this other than puzzlement over  what  that  weird
character is doing there?

| It would also make me happy because using ! in mid-line helps me
| resolve the conflict between writing ABC in a manner optimized for
| source readability and having it laid out sensibly on the printed page.

Could you explain this?  I don't know what ! in mid-line  means.   It
certainly  doesn't  seem to add anything to readability.  It's just a
noise character.  I've seen lots of well-laid-out abc that uses  lots
of spaces for readability. I don't think any of it has ever used ! at
all.  So what does it contribute?

| Obviously not many people yet care about having their source readable,

That's for sure!

| but as ABC matures there are going to be an increasing number of people
| for whom it is their first musical notation - like blind users - and
| the kind of ABC they're going to want to use is the legibly-laid-out
| variety.

True.  But experience so far shows that only a few users  care  about
readability.   This probably won't change much.  I've found that it's
pretty easy to write little scripts in various languages to do a  bit
of  reformatting.   This  is probably a more reliable approach in the
long run.

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