John Chambers wrote:
> given, major is assumed.  It has been suggested that in my extended
>    K:<tonic><mode><signature>
> syntax, the same default should apply. I think this is a bad idea. In
> my  implementation  in abc2ps, what I did was to say that if only the
> <tonic> is given, with  no  <mode>  or  <signature>,  then  major  is
> assumed.  This is a subtle point, but I think it has significance.
> To see why, consider a musician trying to transcribe a tune in what a
> middle-eastern  musician  would  call "E hejaz" or a klezmer musician
> would call "E freygish".  I'd write this as
>    K:E^G
> That is, the tonic is E and the signature  consists  solely  of  a  G
> sharp.  (It could obviously be K:^g if you prefer.)
> Note that there is no mode stated. If the mode defaults to major, the
> result  will be that this will appear with four sharps, as if K:E had
> been written.  The musician will, of course, be baffled by this,  and
> will  probably  conclude  that the software is broken (or doesn't yet
> implement key signatures).  The ^G seems to have been ignored.
> Now, to the musicological expert, there's no puzzle here. You need to
> include a mode to cancel the major default.  What mode do you use? To
> the expert, it's obviously "phr".   But  to  the  other  99%  of  the
> musicians  in the world, it's not obvious at all.  Even worse, what's
> needed to cancel the major default is different for every tonic.
> Most musicians will never be able to learn or remember this.
> However, they will quickly learn that there's another solution:
>    K:^G
> This gives the desired signature.  If you don't tell the software the
> tonic, it can't add an incorrect default major key signature.  And we
> have lost the tonic and the ability to do our lookups.
> So the effect of making major the default mode is that  we  will  see
> more ABC without a tonic in K: lines. But if we use the rule that the
> default is major only if no <mode>  or  <signature>  is  given,  then
> K:E^G will work exacly like you'd expect, and we've subtly encouraged
> musicians to include the tonic when they know it.
> (Now if we could only think of a way to do something  about  the  ABC
> tunes that have K:G for K:Em or K:Ador or K:Dmix.  ;-)

Why so awkward? I've already shown how to do this quite simply with
J:<key sig>, [<tonic>] and in the K:<tonic><mode> you still have the
logic flaw. It's going to be a developer's nightmare to resolve any
inconsistanies in the triple K:spec.

Bandaids on K:spec isn't going to fix it's logic flaw. And by
modes it seems to be implied that it's that of the tune, not that
it's scoring mode, often very different things. There's a
tune in the Stanford-Petrie collection of Irish music that has no
sharps or flats on the key signature, and obvious keynote A.
Minor, right?. No! Every F, C, and G has an 'accidental' sharp,
so it's A major. Of course you can score it as minor, and K:spec
doesn't care if it's correct or not, because it doesn't have much
to do with keys and modes, it just limits the possibilities. 
I had problems with an ABC that I made from Simpson 'The British
Broadside Ballad and It's Music'. My program didn't come out
right on scoring mode and letter notes, although got the mode# 
of the tune correct. I spent 2 hours searching for a bug, that 
turned out not to be there. Simpson had put in brackets a flat 
on the key signature for E, and there was a single E in the tune 
with an accidental natural not in brackets. So it was inconsistant 
tune notation that fouled thing up. My ABZ program isn't fooled 
by any scoring (that's internally consistant), and will give the 
real mode of the tune in either case for that Irish tune, scored 
as you prefer. 

Note that pentatonic pi1 can be easily scored as lydian, ionian,
or mixolydian. The tune isn't lydian, it isn't ionian, and it 
isn't mixolydian, it's pi1. My mode# (330=pi1) determines the 
mode of the tune, from whats in the tune and is independent of the
scoring mode, and it can easily be inverted by simple math to give the
tune's [12TET] scale relative to the key, and the tune can be rescored
in any key and scoring mode you like. There are many other examples of
this kind of thing where it's obvious that scoring mode is simply
convenience or whim, and doesn't mean much. The 4 11 note tunes
coded in file COMBCOD2.TXT are from tunes all scored as minor
modes, but they is no way of telling whether they are expanded
minors or majors. That scoring is just a convenience for
minimizing the number of accidentals required for a scoring. 

If you don't reform ABC, on the K:spec, but just patch it with
bandaids, I think your precious patient will die. And lets get it 
straight what are scoring modes and what are tune modes. 

Bruce Olson

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