Frank wrote:
| Jack Campin wrote:
| > > most of the tune finder's users seem to want it to return staff
| > > notation (usually in GIF - yuck!)
| >
| > A lot of people can't print PostScript, JPEG looks foul for music,
| > and PDF is a bloated waste of space, so what else is there?
| It seems most of the people looking for sheet music on Internet simply
| wants something readable to play from. High quality isn't important at
| all. After all it isn't as if a computer printout will ever become a
| collector's item.

Yah; but it's a bit disappointing to see that the most popular format
is  the one with the lowest quality.  Oh well, I guess that's true of
computers, too.  In fact, I have a lot of evidence that these two are
closely correlated. This isn't too surprising, since the very popular
systems of the lowest quality seem to be the  only  ones  that  still
don't come with postscript software already installed.

The above argument should tell people to ask for PNG rather than GIF.
PNG  has  all  the  low-quality  display  properties  of GIF, is also
accepted by all current graphical  browsers,  but  seems  to  average
around  30%  smaller.   So you can get the same poor quality and save
yourself some waiting time.  Maybe  the  people  who  insist  on  the
poorest quality in their graphics also insist on slow download times.

(But I don't try to persuade anyone; I just have my  software  return
whichever format was requested.  ;-)

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