OK - I can live with + and & but I still think it's not a good idea.  If
full stops (periods) are allowed, do they mean the same as commas?

There are other peculiarities to worry about, for instance Muse normally
does automatic bar-length counting.  For normal music (I will leave "normal"
undefined!!) this eliminates a *lot* of misprints.  Given that repeats can,
and do fall part way between bars (the posh word is anacrusis) one needs to
know what things are supposed to mean.  The same problem re-surfaces in a
player with a stress pattern - for instance if a British hornpipe is written
"straight" but to be played "dotted" - what does it mean if a repeat has a
beat missing?

There is a real tension between the desire to correct misprints (very
common) and the desire to be able to represent unusual tunes (by definition
unusual, but that's not the same as "never").

For me repeats are a bit of a minefield and abc2ps (whether open-source or
not) is not, I repeat not a good model.  In fact I have never implemented
the playing of parts as specified by P: syntax because of uncertainties in
this area.

----- Original Message -----
From: John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] Progress towards a new abc standard is [1,3

| But it's silly.  It adds nothing.  Yes, it's only a few lines of code, but
| it's adding code to achieve nothing new.  Or else, please tell me how the
| semantics of 1+3 and 1&3 differ from each other and from 1,3.

Well, the [1+3 and [1&3 cases are silly, but they're trivial and easy
to  implement,  so  why  not?  It sorta like we allow Dm and Dmin and
Dminor, all of which  mean  the  same  thing.   Such  things  add  no
functionality,  but  they do add a bit of user friendliness at almost
no implementation cost.

| I wholeheartedly agree with John "we put this off until we  can  get
| agreement  that trivial cases like [3 and [1-3 and [2,4 are legal."
| You want me to start implementing 1,3 or you want me to argue about syntax
| and what the complicated ones mean?

I'd much prefer that people implement the simple cases. What's mostly
needed  is  to  just allow a string of digits, commas and hyphens.  I
also allow periods, because a lot of printed music uses them,  though
this also adds no functionality.

The suggestion that '+' and '&' also be allowed was just a suggestion
that could be vetoed if we want to take a vote on it. They definitely
aren't necessary.

For a music formatter like abc2ps, implementing endings like [1,3 and
[1-3 is rather easy. But we might want to take pity on people writing
abc players, and discuss the implementation a bit.  If there are  any
real  gotchas, it might be nice to know about them and discuss how to
handle them.

The obvious problem for a player is that people can easily  type  all
sorts of of malformed endings.  For example:

   |: ... |1,3 ... :|4 ... :|

There's no 2nd ending here.  I'd probably say that there are at least
two possible behaviors here:  You could play it three times, skipping
the missing 2nd pass.  Or you could play it four times, with a "null"
ending  on  the  second pass.  I'd suggest that if the listed endings
don't form a proper 1..N progression, that the behavior is up to  the

A player might want to produce a warning.  A formatter wouldn't  need
to;  it  could  just  produce  what the ABC says and let someone else
worry about understanding those funny lists of numbers.

Actually, I've seen music that had such "null" endings.  For example,
I've heard tunes that had an extra bar tacked onto the 2nd and 4th
times.  This would presumably be written as:

   |: AAA :|2,4 BBB :|

Obviously, "AAA" and "BBB" represent much  longer  chunks  of  music.
This  would expand to | AAA | AAA | BBB | AAA | AAA | BBB |.  This is
something that's obviously not common, but it  does  happen  in  some
kinds of music.  So it shouldn't be treated as an error.

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