Jack writes:
| > After several online discussions, I (and probably a few others)  have
| > implemented  the  rather  trivial extension of allowing any string of
| > digits, commas, hyphens and periods to label an ending.   This  means
| > that  endings  like [1,3 and [1-3 work with a very few abc tools.
| Does it behave correctly in this case?...
|    ...
|    K:D
|    ...(a)...
|    |: ...(b)... [1,3 [K:D Minor] ...(c)... :|
|                 [2               ...(d)... || % no key change
|    ...(e)...
| The key signature is two sharps for the (a), (b) and (d) music and
| one flat for the (c) and (e) sections.  (I can easily imagine a piece
| actually having this structure, and if there isn't one already out
| there maybe I'll just write one...)

Well, what I'd say is that it doesn't much matter,  because  this  is
rather bad notation.  If you were to stick it on stands in front of a
bunch of musicians, some would play (e) in D major and  others  would
play  (d) in D minor.  You can insult the musicians all you want, but
that wouldn't get them to do it right.  (Of course, it's still a  bit
odd to see abc notation on a music stand.  ;-)

The right way is to put an "advisory" key change at the start of  (e)
to  make  it clear to everyone (human and software) what the intended
key is.  Otherwise, you are asking for a disaster when that point  in
the music is reached.

"Standard music notation" is a bit of  an  oxymoron,  and  subtleties
like  this  are not understood in any consistent manner by musicians.
It may be true that a lot of musicians are not very well educated  in
notational  matters.   But the only workable solution is to not leave
such ambiguities in your notation.

I'd also predict that, no matter what we might decide here,  many  of
the  folks who write abc software would probably not much notice, and
would do whatever they  damned  well  please.   Or  they'd  not  even
consider  the  problem,  and what the code does would be an accident.
So, while it may be a Good Idea to say in the standard  what  happens
in such cases, it wouldn't help all that much.

What abc2ps does is just take things in order.  The [K:Dminor] causes
a  D  minor  signature  to appear thereafter, until there's another K
field.  This is probably more or less an accident, though Michael may
have  thought  of  the  topic.   I  wouldn't be surprised if some abc
players reverted to D major on the repeat and kept that key for  (e).
I  wouldn't  criticise  either programmer for this; I'd criticise the
person who typed the low-quality abc with the missing K field.

(I wonder if there are any players that would stay in D minor for the
start of the repeat?  Isn't that what the music says?  ;-)

But back to endings ...

One of the reasons that I've implemented the  [1,3  type  endings  is
that  the current abc "standard" leads to a specific musical disaster
that I've seen too many times.  If only [1 and [2  are  allowed,  the
only way you can get the usual four-time pattern is by writing:
   |:  ...  |[1 ...  :|[2 ...  :|
In this case, the final :| is a very subtle clue that you should then
repeat the entire section. But most musicians react to this by either
not noticing the final colon, or by deciding that  it's  gotta  be  a
typo,  since the ending brackets very clearly say that there are only
a first and second ending.

This has turned up repeatedly in our "open band" Scandinavian dances.
Traditional Scand music typically repeats phrases four times, usually
with two different endings.  Sitins who are reading  the  music  (and
don't know the style well) will almost always ignore the :| and barge
ahead with the next part, while the experienced Scand musicians  will
do  the  third repeat.  The result is usually a total collapse of the
music.  And often someone will observe that the music  clearly  shows
only two endings.  This is very misleading, but what can ya do if the
software won't permit third and fourth endings?

But abc2ps is "open  source",  so  I  didn't  have  to  live  with  a
showstopper  like  this;  I  could  fix  it.   The  fact is that most
musicians use the "1,3" and "2,4" in the ending brackets to determine
the  repeat  pattern,  and  pretty  much  ignore the colons.  This is
totally  conventional  music  notation,  and  almost   all   literate
musicians understand it. Including the ",3" and ",4" under the ending
brackets prevents the musical disaster.

There's no excuse for this not being in abc after all these years. If
we  can't  get  it  into the standard, the only sensible approach for
musicians like me is to just ignore the standard and do what we  have
to do to get the music correct.

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