John Walsh writes:
| Bryan Creer writes:
| >Well, it didn't take much figuring since that is what I stated explicitly but
| >it is the public aspect of abc that I was referring to.  I'm not sure why you
| >consider this mislistthropic.

That's a great word.

|       This brings up a problem I've noticed in some of the abc2ps
| clones, tho it's probably more general: some of the characters H--Z are
| permanently bound to notation---J to a slide, H to a fermata, S to a
| segno, P to a pralltriller... (The first three don't bother me, since I
| use the same characters for the same things, but the fourth does, since I
| don't.) According to the standard, these characters are supposed to be
| free, but they are rapidly being taken up.  I have no real quarrel with
| this---I use most of the characters the same way myself, and I'm glad for
| the extra notation---*as long as there is a way to turn it off*. (!)  Or
| even better, to redefine the binding.  It could be an entry in the fmt
| file, for instance.  In other applications, it could be in preferences.
| could even be a formal part of abc...

Well, as one of the culprits who cloned abc2ps,  I've  been  thinking
about this problem, too. We've had a few discussions around the topic
in the past.  Maybe it's time for another one.

I'm seriously considering implementing at least the simplest  "macro"
case,  i.e.,  the string substituion.  A bit of digging around in the
list's archives turned up a number of  different  proposals  for  the
syntax. It'd be useful if we could get some sort of agreement on what
the simple case looks like.

As I (sorta) understand the suggestions, they amount  to  defining  a
list  of  standard  musical  terms, possibly in the !...! form.  This
would give us a list of things like !fermata!, !mf!, !sfz!,  !trill!,
!roll!,  and  so  on.   These  could be used, but the result would be
cluttered and not very readable.  So then we  define  the  macros  as
something like:

m: T !trill!
m: ~ !roll!
m: H !fermata!

and then the letter T stands for a trill.  With abc2ps, this would be
one of the default definitions, since these symbols are currently what
is hard-coded for these ornaments.

Implementing this as a pass before parsing a line would be simple.  I
could have just sat down and done it. But I thought maybe it would be
useful to get the usual flame war started, to see whether there's any
consensus on exactly what the syntax should be.

I have noticed that some people object to the !...!  notation,  while
others  seem  to  think  it's a clever idea.  I mostly view it as not
ideal but usable.  It is in minimal conflict with abc2win's use of !,
but I've found experimentally that it's not hard to separate the two.
The jcabc2ps behind my tune finder does this,  and  it  seems  fairly
successful.   It  also accepts the !...! notation, but treats it as a
variant of "...", though the positioning isn't all that great yet.

There's also the more general topic of parameterized macros, but that
seems to be a discussion killer.  I'd have to admit that the previous
discussions of the topic have  rapidly  lost  me.   There  isn't  the
slightest  chance  that  I could implement them from the descriptions
that I've read.  So I intend to "file" any replies that wander off in
this  direction,  and  read  only  the ones that deal with the simple

If we could get that working, a lot of users would applaud ...

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