se>, henrik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>I wrote:
>>> The case of a tune line beginning E:| is a problem
>>> This could really only be caused by the line-break daemon
>David Webber replied:
>> Could this not be entirely legal with the E (corresponding with the
>> L: setting) occupying an entire bar?
>Of course, the thought occurred to me too after I had sent the message.
>Still, I think it should be parsed as an E: field, because the error is so
>easily spotted by the user, and you only have to insert a space to correct
>it, e.g.
>E: |
>Of course, E: is not the most common field. K:, L: and M: are much more
>common, but raise the same issue.

Er, what's an E: field? The draft 1.7.6 knows nothing of E.

Come to think of it, what's an N: field? The draft says "notes" .... !!!

Bernard Hill
Braeburn Software
Author of Music Publisher system
Music Software written by musicians for musicians
Selkirk, Scotland

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