On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 01:15:54PM +0100, Bernard Hill wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Richard Robinson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 11:41:39AM +0100, Bernard Hill wrote:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> "Strange" key sigs such as the above (while clear in intent) are very
> >> non-standard. Are they really necessary? I've never played from one and
> >> would actually find it very difficult to play _b ^f
> >
> >See http://www.leeds.ac.uk/music/Info/RRTuneBk/gettune/00000c54.html
> >for an example of how they can be useful. Helpful for the typing, and
> >(IMO) more helpful in that they show the rules that apply, instead of
> >just confronting people with lots of accidental notes.
> Ouch! The meaning may be clear, but much better with individual flats
> imo! I find it very hard to play correctly!

You reckon ? I find it better to be able to show the actual scale.
Not that I've made a very good job of the later sections, now I come to
look at it again. 

(And now, I begin to think I've been playing the Fs as natural in the
last 3 sections, I wonder if that's right ? It's not what I've written.
Better dig out some tapes and check.)

Heh. A useful example to pick - for me, anyway. Now replaced with a
slightly more fixed version.

> (And why sharpen the fs in stave 5?)

Good question. Er, "for historical reasons".
<changes the subject quickly>

> And from the abc source you have written
> K:A_b^f^c
> shouldn't that have a G# also since you've written K:A?

It definitely shouldn't have a G#, since the Gs aren't sharp.

It's K:A<something> since A seems, to me, the root note. Amix would have
been better - I have a vague memory that I tried that and it didn't work
at the time, so the result's a kludge. But it does now.

It would seem more logical to write just K:Amix _B to get Bb and the
usual 2 sharps, but in abc2mps that produces a sig with 1 flat, only,
so the full spelling out seems necessary. OTOH, the shorter version
works with jcabc2ps, but that doesn't accept spaces in it. I rather
prefer the appearance from abcm2ps - and, spelling all the accidentals
out seems to let me control which order they're shown in, which is nice ...
If I use K:Amix_B^f^c in jcabc2ps it prints the sharps twice.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem
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