In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Resource economy is a non-issue - it's not going to be that big and
by the time it's done, any computer that will use it will be much,
much bigger and faster than anything now running ABC software.

I don't see what you are getting at. Writing the code so that it is maintainable will be more easily done with C++ than C. The amount of memory or speed of the processor is a non-issue and was not what I was referring to.

Sharing by reference is a great way to make code less maintainable,
and parsers don't need to do it, ever.

I didn't say it was. Java and C# are touted as good because everything is "pass by reference". Neither truly implement pass by reference. Neither is pass by reference a suitable mechanism by which all data should be passed. I dislike both languages for the very reason they prevent you from making good choices in software design.

If they were easier to compile into libraries, SML, Haskell, Lisp
or Prolog would be better options - they all have a hell of a lot
of accumulated experience in use for parsing refractory syntaxes.

Be my guest. I think you'll be able to count the number of volunteers on the fingers of your left hand :-)

C++ can do everything C can do, but much better and there are a lot of people capable of using the language well, not to mention many free compilers and linkers around from GNU/Borland and more recently, Microsoft's Visual Studio 7.1 compiler toolchain is also free.

Pragmatism dictates either C/C++ or VB, due to the number of people skilled in the language and then who wish to donate their time to such a cause. C/C++ knocks out the VBers, and VB will probably have the same effect of the C/C++ people unless they are interested in cross training to VB. C/C++ give more freedom of expression than VB.

Is this a case of "if the only tool you have is a hammer, every
problem looks like a folk singer"?

No. I was commenting on the recommended use of C with a sideswipe at the current trendy languages being promoted by the industry. How you could arrive at the comment above from what I wrote is beyond me.

A Ferrari will get me from my house to my girlfriends house faster than my car will (much as a one of the languages you cite may write a better parser). Pragmatism dictates I don't have the budget for the Ferrari, so I'll make do with the Volkswagon. Pragmatism likewise dictates for an open source project you go with the programming volunteers and maintainability options available, so C++/VB/Python/etc are the likely candidates, not the languages you cite.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
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