Most of the examples I've examined (thanks again folks!) use a single uppercase letter for denoting each part. P:A in a tune means "this is the part 'A'" and "P:ABACAB" at the beginning means, if I understood it correctly, "play part A, then B, then C ...".

This is what the standards suggest but in one of the Barfly examples, parts are denoted with a more complex syntax: "P:Coda" for example.

I'd like to support it but what should be the exact syntax?

My proposal is the following:

"Each part name MUST begin with a upper case letter and may continue ONLY with lowercase letters and numbers"

P:AB            -> "play part A then B"
P:OvertureCoda  -> "play part Overture then part Coda"
P:OVERTURE CODA -> "play part O then V, then E, ..."
P:intro         -> ERROR

Spaces and dots may separate part names.

How Barfly behaves? Any other suggestion?


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