OpenBSD should become a company selling hardware?

That idea is complete bullshit.

I have a better idea.  How about the people who don't do anything
except come up with stupid ideas go away.

Kyle Willett <> wrote:

> I did some research about OpenBSD in my graduate cyber security class
> and came to the conclusion that more people should run OpenBSD on
> company computers compared to Windows and even compared to the likes
> of Linux and FreeBSD.  That extra security is just so important.
> Businesses are never going to buy Windows laptops and then switch them
> to OpenBSD.  They want a support contract and someone to call when
> something does not work.  The OpenBSD project has a small developer
> base and always seems to be struggling for money.  It is my thinking
> that if the team in charge of OpenBSD development offered hardware
> with OpenBSD supported 100% on it and sold with it preinstalled that
> OpenBSD laptops could become a niche offering like Chromebooks but
> fully open source.  My apologies for upsetting Theo de Raadt himself
> though.  Just thinking about how the project could get more awareness
> of OpenBSD out there and more people using the OS.  Few hardware
> companies bother with OpenBSD support because it has such a small
> market share.  Just sharing my ideas on how to get more people aware
> of the project and using the OS as their daily driver.

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