On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> Ben Goertzel wrote:
> . . .
>  >> Lee Corbin can work out his entire policy in step (2), before step
>  >> (3) occurs, knowing that his synchronized other self - whichever one
>  >> he is - is doing the same.
>  >
>  > OK -- now, if AIXItl were starting out with the right program, it could
>  > do this too, because the program could reason "that other AIXItl is
>  > gonna do the same thing as me, so based on this knowledge, what should
>  > I do...."
> It *could* do this but it *doesn't* do this.  Its control process is such
> that it follows an iterative trajectory through chaos which is forbidden
> to arrive at a truthful solution, though it may converge to a stable
> attractor.
> . . .

This is the heart of the fallacy. Neither a human nor an AIXI
can know "that his synchronized other self - whichever one
he is - is doing the same". All a human or an AIXI can know is
its observations. They can estimate but not know the intentions
of other minds.


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