Shane Legg wrote:

Yes, this is a clever argument.  This problem with AIXI has been
thought up before but only appears, at least as far as I know, in
material that is currently unpublished.  I don't know if anybody
has analysed the problem in detail as yet... but it certainly is
a very interesting question to think about:

What happens when two super intelligent AIXI's meet?
"SI-AIXI" is redundant; all AIXIs are enormously far beyond superintelligent. As for the problem, the obvious answer is that no matter what strange things happen, an AIXI^2 which performs Solomonoff^2 induction, using the universal prior of strings output by first-order Oracle machines, will come up with the best possible strategy for handling it...

Has the problem been thought up just in the sense of "What happens when two AIXIs meet?" or in the formalizable sense of "Here's a computational challenge C on which a tl-bounded human upload outperforms AIXI-tl?"

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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