----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Mahoney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] Determinism

> By simulate, I mean in the formal sense, as a universal Turing machine can
> simulate any other Turing machine, for example, you can write a program in
> that runs programs written in Pascal (e.g. a compiler or interpreter).
> you can predict what the Pascal program will do.
> Languages like Pascal and C define Turing machines.  They have unlimited
> memory.  Real machines have finite memory, so you do the simulation
> you need to also define the hardware limits of the target machine.  So if
> real program reports an out of memory error, the simulation should too, at
> precisely the same point.  Now if the target machine (running Pascal) has
2 MB
> memory, and your machine (running C) has 1 MB, then you can't do it.  Your
> simulator will run out of memory first.

My first computer had 32kb of memory.  I know all about doing a lot in very
little memory.  Lack of memory is about losing time not about the size of
physical memory.  Virtual memory can be used so that small real memories can
simulate much bigger memories.  People can simulate absolutely huge systems
by just running and looking at small parts of a system at a single time.
Your argument might be true IF you talked about full REAL TIME simulation
but in general your argument is false.

> Likewise, you can't simulate your own machine, because you need additional
> memory to run the simulator.

You seem to misunderstand.  Simulate doesn't necessarily mean that you have
to replicate the inner workings of something at the lowest level of the
hardware used to create the system.  Only the answers or end result need be
simulated in general or even just the small parts you are interested in.
The 8086 instruction set has been simulated on a 68000 type processor but
why bother when the real 8086 architecture is available for use.  Full simul
ation of a whole machine or other complex system is seldom necessary or

> When we lack the memory for an exact simulation, we can use an
> one that usually but not always gives the right answer.  For example, we
> forecast the weather using an approximation of the state of the Earth's
> atmosphere and get an approximate answer.  We can do the same with
> For example, if a program outputs a string of bits according to some
> algorithm, then you can often predict most of the bits by looking up the
> few bits of context in a table and predicting whatever bit was last output
> this context.  The cache and branch prediction logic in your CPU do
> like this.  This is an example of your computer simulating itself using a
> simplified, probabilistic model.  A more accurate model would analyze the
> entire program and make exact predictions, but this is not only
> but also impossible.  So we must have some cache misses and branch
> mispredictions.

My example used the output from the formula of a line which produces
infinite results from only a Y intercept and a slope.  You didn't bother to
show how my analogy was incorrect.  If the algorithms that actually create
the weather on earth could be found, they could very accurately predict
weather without an Earth full of memory.  We just don't know what all those
algorithms are.  These kind of simulations aren't approximations, they are
the real thing.

> In the same way, the brain cannot predict itself.  The brain has finite
> memory.  Even if the brain were deterministic (no neuron noise), this
> still be the case.  If a powerful enough computer knew the exact state of
> brain, it could predict what you would think next, but you could not
> what that computer would output.  I know in theory you could follow the
> computer's algorithm on pencil and paper, but even then you would still
> know the result of that manual computation until you did it.  No matter
> you do, you cannot predict your own thoughts with 100% accuracy.  Your
> model must be probabilistic, whether the hardware is deterministic or not.

I can predict with high accuracy what I will think on almost any topic.
People that can't, either don't know much about the principles they use to
think or aren't very rational.  I don't use emotion or the current room
temperature to make decisions. (No implication that you might ;)

Our brains on the microscopic scale might be lossy or non-deterministic but
thinking people fix this at the macroscopic level by removing these design
defects as quickly as possible from their higher level thinking.

David Clark

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