On Wednesday 03 October 2007 06:21:46 pm, Mike Tintner wrote:
> Yes there are bright people in AGI. But there's no one remotely close to the 
level, say, of von Neumann or Turing, right? And do you really think a 
revolution such as AGI is going to come about without that kind of 
revolutionary, creative thinker? Just by tweaking existing systems, and 
increasing computer power and complexity?  Has any intellectual revolution 
ever happened that way? (Josh?)

Yes, I think so. Can anybody name the von Neumanns in the hardware field in 
the past 2 decades? And yet look at the progress. I happen to think that 
there are plenty of smart people in AI and related fields, and LOTS of really 
smart people in computational neuroscience. Even without a Newton we are 
likely to get AGI on Kurzweil's schedule, e.g. 2029.

As I pointed out before, human intelligence got here from monkeys in a 
geological eyeblink, and perforce did it in small steps. So if enough people 
keep pushing in all directions, we'll get there (and learn a lot more 

If we can take AGI interest now vis-a-vis that of a few years ago as a trend, 
there could be a major upsurge in the number of smart people looking into it 
in the next decade. So we could yet get our new Newton... I think we've 
already had one, Marvin Minsky. He's goddamn smart. People today don't 
realize just how far AI came from nothing up through about 1970 -- and it was 
real AI, what we now call AGI.

BTW, It's also worth pointing out that increasing computer power just flat 
makes the programming easier. Example: nearest-neighbor methods in 
high-dimensional spaces, a very useful technique but hard to program because 
of the limited and arcane datastructures and search methods needed. Given 
enough cpu, forget the balltrees and rip thru the database linearly. Suddenly 
simple, more robust, and there are more things you can do.


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