On Dec 6, 2007 8:23 AM, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 5, 2007 6:23 PM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > resistance to moving onto the second stage. You have enough psychoanalytical
> > understanding, I think, to realise that the unusual length of your reply to
> > me may possibly be a reflection of that resistance and an inner conflict.
> What is bizarre to me, in this psychoanalysis of Ben Goertzel that you 
> present,
> is that you overlook [snip]
> Mike, you can make a lot of valid criticisms against me, but I don't
> think you can
> claim I have not originated an "interdependent network of creative ideas."
> I certainly have done so.  You may not like or believe my various ideas, but
> for sure they form an interdependent network.  Read "The Hidden Pattern"
> for evidence.

I just wanted to comment on how well Ben "accepted" Mike's 'analysis.'
 Personally, I was offended by Mike's inconsiderate use of language.
Apparently we have different ideas of etiquette, so that's all I'll
say about it.  (rather than be drawn into a completely off-topic
pissing contest over who is right to say what, etc.)

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