Matt: Humans cannot recognize intelligence superior
to their own.

This like this whole thread is not totally but highly unimaginative. No one is throwing out any interesting ideas about what a superior intelligence might entail. Mainly it's the same old mathematical, linear approach. Bo-o-oring.

The Man Who Fell To Earth had one interesting thought about an obviously, recognizably superior intelligence - Bowie watching ten tv's - following ten arguments so to speak at once.

A thought off the proverbial top - how about if a million people could be networked to think about the same creative problem, and any radically new ideas could be instantly recognized and transmitted to everyone - some kind of variation of the global workspace theory? [There would be vast benefits from sync'ing a million different POV's]

How about if the brain could track down every thought it had ever had - guaranteed? (As distinct obviously from its present appallingly hit-and-miss filing system which can take forever/never to track down information that is definitely there, somewhere). [And what would be the negatives of perfect memory? Or why is perfect memory impossible?]

How about not just mirror neurons, but a mirror nervous system/ body, that would enable you to become another human being, creature with a high degree of fidelity?

How about a brain that could instantly check any generalisation against EVERY particular instance in its memory?

Don't you read any superhero/superpower comics or sci-fi? Obviously there are an infinite number of very recognisable forms which a superhuman intelligence could take.

How about some stimulating ideas about a superintelligence, as opposed to accountants' numbers?

P.S. What would be the problems of integrating an obviously superbrain, living or mechanical, that had any of the powers above, with a body? No body, no intelligence. And there will be problems.

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