Josh writes:> You see, I happen to think that there *is* a consistent, general, 
overall > theory of the function of feedback throughout the architecture. And I 
think > that once it's understood and widely applied, a lot of the 
architectures > (repeat: a *lot* of the architectures) we have floating around 
here will > suddenly start working a lot better.
Want to share this theory? :)
Oh, by the way, of the ones I read so far, I thought your Variac paper was the 
most interesting one from AGI-08.  I'm particularly interested to hear more 
about sigmas and your thoughts on  transparent, composable, and robust 
programming languages.  I used to think about some slightly related topics and 
thought more in terms of evolvability and plasticity (and did not consider 
opaqueness at all) but I think your approach to thinking about things is quite 

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