Speaking of neurons and simplicity, I think it's interesting that some of the 
"how much cpu power needed to replicate brain function" arguments use the basic 
ANN model, assuming a MULADD per synapse, updating at say 100 times per second 
(giving a total computing power of about 10^16 OPS).  But the people actually 
trying "brain replication" (I am thinking of the Blue Brain cortical column 
project) simulate 30 million synapses on a 22 TF computer, four orders of 
magnitude higher (~1M op/sec/synapse vs 100).  Markram is certainly a rabid 
optimist in terms of how far this work will go and how fast, so I don't think 
he's just throwing cycles away for no reason.  Assuming their neuron model 
turns out to be adequate, I wonder how far it can be squeezed down.

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