
On 6/3/08, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Steve Richfield
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Note that modern processors are ~3 orders of magnitude faster than a
> KA10,
> > and my 10K architecture would provide another 4 orders of magnitude, for
> a
> > net improvement over the KA10 of ~7 orders of magnitude. Perhaps another
> > order of magnitude would flow from optimizing the architecture to the
> > application rather than emulating Pentiums or KA10s. That leaves us just
> one
> > order of magnitude short, and we can easily make that up by using just 10
> of
> > the 10K architecture processors. In short, we could emulate human-scale
> > systems in a year or two with adequate funding. By that time, process
> > improvements would probably allow us to make such systems on single
> wafers,
> > at a manufacturing cost of just a few thousand dollars.
> >
> Except that you still wouldn't know what to do with all that. ;-)

... which gets to my REAL source of frustration.

Intel isn't making 10K processors because no one is ordering them, because
of the lack of understanding of how our brain works. A scanning UV
fluorescence microscope could answer many of the outstanding questions, but
it would be VERY limited without a 10K processor to reconstruct the
diagrams. So, for the lack of a few million dollars, both computer science
and neuroscience are stymied in the same respective holes that they have
been in for most of the last 40 years.

>From my viewpoint, AI is an oxymoron, because of this proof by exhibition
that there is no intelligence to make artificially! It appears that the
world is just too stupid to help, when such small bumps can
stop entire generations of research in multiple disciplines.

Meanwhile, drug companies are redirecting ~100% of medical research funding
into molecular biology, nearly all of which leads nowhere.

The present situation appears to be entirely too stable. There seems to be
no visible hope past this, short of some rich person throwing a lot of money
at it - and they are all too busy to keep up on forums like this one.

Are we on the same page here?

Steve Richfield

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