On 6/3/08, Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I believe that the crisp (i.e. certain or very near certain) KR for these
> domains will facilitate the use of FOL inference (e.g. subsumption) when I
> need it to supplement the current Texai spreading activation techniques for
> word sense disambiguation and relevance reasoning.
> I expect that OpenCog will focus on domains that require probabilistic
> reasoning, e.g. pattern recognition, which I am postponing until Texai is
> far enough along that expert mentors can teach it the skills for
> probabilistic reasoning.

Your approach is sensible, indeed similar to mine -- I'm also experimenting
with crisp logic only.  But there are 2 problems:

1.  Probabilistic inference cannot be "grafted" onto crisp logic easily.
The changes may be so great that much of the original work will be rendered

2.  You think we can do program synthesis with crisp logic only?  This has
profound implications if true...


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