On 6/4/08, Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  All of the work to date on program generation, macro processing,
> application configuration via parameters, compilation, assembly, and program
> optimization has used crisp knowledge representation (i.e. non-probabilistic
> data structures).  Dynamic, feedback based optimizing compilers, such as the
> Java HotSpot VM, do keep track of program path statistics in order to decide
> when to inline methods for example.  But on the whole, the traditional
> program development life cycle is free of probabilistic inference.

How about these scenarios:

1.  "If a task is to be repeated 'many' times, use a loop.  If only 'a few'
times, write it out directly."  -- this requires fuzziness

2.  "The gain of using algorihtm X on this problem is likely to be small."
-- requires probability

> I have a hypothesis that program design (to satisfy requirements), and in
> general engineering design, can be performed using crisp knowledge
> representation - with the provision that I will use cognitively-plausible
> spreading activation instead of, or to cache, time-consuming deductive
> backchaining.  My current work will explore this hypothesis with regard to
> composing simple programs that compose skills from more primitive skills.
> I am adapting Gerhard Wickler's Capability Description 
> Language<http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/oplan/cdl/index.html>to match capabilities 
> (e.g. program composition capabilities) with tasks
> (e.g. clear a StringBuilder object).  CDL conveniently uses a crisp FOL
> knowledge representation.   
> Here<http://texai.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/texai/BehaviorLanguage/data/method-definitions.bl?view=markup>is
>  a Texai behavior language file that contains capability descriptions for
> primitive Java compositions.  Each of these primitive capabilities is
> implemented by a Java object that can be persisted in the Texai KB as RDF
> statements.

Maybe you mean spreading activation is used to locate candidate facts /
rules, over which actual deductions are attempted?  That sounds very
promising.  One question is how to learn the association between nodes.


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