On 7/28/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PLN uses confidence values within its truth values, with a different 
> underlying semantics and math than NARS; but that doesn't help much with the 
> above problem...
> There is a confidence-penalty used in PLN whenever an independence assumption 
> is invoked, but it's not that severe of a penalty -- and nor should it be.  
> When additional evidence is not available, making an independence assumption 
> is appropriate, even though sometimes it will turn out to be wrong.

Even if you assume independence, you'll have 2 distinct paths leading
to contradicting conclusions.  So you need some way to pick a winner.

I think Pei Wang's definition of confidence is good and can solve this
example.  I'll check out your book when it's out =)


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