On 7/29/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> YKY: The key word here is "model".  If you can reason with mental models,
> > then of course you can resolve a lot of paradoxes in logic.  This
> > boils down to:  how can you represent mental models?  And they seem to
> > boil down further to logical statements themselves.  In other words,
> > we can use logic to represent "rich" mental models.
> >
> Pei,

You're responding to my post (YKY), not Pei Wang.

> Can you identify a single metalogical dispute - about how to resolve
> paradoxes in logic, or,say, which form of logic to use for a given type of
> problem  - that has been resolved by formally LOGICAL means? Can you give
> one actual example of what you have just asserted above - one such
> paradox-resolving mental model that really was logical?
> My contention would be that metalogical reasoning - depends on a totally
> different kind of reasoning to that of logic itself. And you cannot
> *logically* derive any new kind of logic - nonmotonic, fuzzy etc - from any
> previous kind. Nor can you derive any new branch of mathematics
> *mathematically* from any previous kind. The foundations of logic, maths and
> rational systems generally do not lie in themselves - which, if true, is
> rather important for General Intelligence.
> But by all means disprove me.

Guys like Bertrand Russell are concerned about the relation of
mathematical logic to "Truth".

AGI builders who use logic, use it as a computational structure to
*represent* the world.  It is understood that a representation is an
*approximation* of the real thing.

Your problem stems from the fact that you think there's a
correspondence of AGI logic statements with "Truths" and thus there
emerges the problem of meta-logic -- how do we know the Truths about

The correct way to understand logic-based AGI is that the AGI logic
statements do not correspond to Truths, but they correspond to
hypotheses about the world in an *approximate* manner.  There is no
escape from this.  Welcome to the postmodern, I guess =)


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