On 7/29/08, Charles Hixson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is true, but the "logic" statements of the model are rather different
> than simple assertions, much more like complex statements specifying
> proportional relationships and "causal" links.  I envision the "causal" links
> as being at statements about the physical layer.  And everything covered
> with "amount of belief" .  The model would also need to include mechanisms
> believed to be in operation. (E.g., "fire is caused by the phologiston
> escaping from the wood").  And mechanisms would need to be in place for
> correcting and updating the model.  Etc.

FINALLY, this provides an angle where you guys can understand what I
mean by "logic" =)

I use logic as a computational structure to build mental models, eg,
by stating relations among entities.  Some of the logic statements may
appear to be similar to everyday, conversational statements.  But the
actual KR can be *much* richer than conversational statements.


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