On 7/29/08, Benjamin Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see the failure in this argument at step 2. Cybersex is a kind of erotic
> interaction. Erotic interactions are often called "sex" in general
> conversation, even though there are many kinds of erotic interactions that
> don't result in the transmission of STDs, that can't lead to children, that
> don't involve the exchange of bodily fluids, and so on.

Saying that
    cybersex is a kind of sex
is similar to saying
    phone sex is a kind of sex
    oral sex is a kind of sex
    anal sex is a kind of sex
    group sex is a kind of sex
    penguin is a kind of bird

It seems pretty uncontroversial...

It's true that cybersex is a kind of sex, albeit that it has certain
exceptional characteristics.  Just like a penguin is a bird with
special properties.

So I think the trouble is in step 4.

Cheers =)

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