Mike Tintner wrote: "...how would you design a play machine - a machine that can play around as a child does?"

I wouldn't. IMHO that's just another waste of time and effort (unless it's being done purely for research purposes). It's a diversion of intellectual and financial resources that those serious about building an AGI any time in this century cannot afford. I firmly believe if we had not set ourselves the goal of developing human-style intelligence (embodied or not) fifty years ago, we would already have a working, non-embodied AGI.

Turing was wrong (or at least he was wrongly interpreted). Those who extended his imitation test to humanoid, embodied AI were even more wrong. We *do not need embodiment* to be able to build a powerful AGI that can be of immense utility to humanity while also surpassing human intelligence in many ways. To be sure, we want that AGI to be empathetic with human intelligence, but we do not need to make it equivalent (i.e., "just like us").

I don't want to give the impression that a non-Turing intelligence will be easy to design and build. It will probably require at least another twenty years of "two steps forward, one step back" effort. So, if we are going to develop a non-human-like, non-embodied AGI within the first quarter of this century, we are going to have to "just say no" to Turing and start to use human intelligence as an inspiration, not a destination.



Mike Tintner wrote:
Just a v. rough, first thought. An essential requirement of an AGI is surely that it must be able to play - so how would you design a play machine - a machine that can play around as a child does?

You can rewrite the brief as you choose, but my first thoughts are - it should be able to play with
a) bricks
c) handkerchiefs/ shawls
d) toys [whose function it doesn't know]
e) draw.

Something that should be soon obvious is that a robot will be vastly more flexible than a computer, but if you want to do it all on computer, fine.

How will it play - manipulate things every which way?
What will be the criteria of learning - of having done something interesting?
How do infants, IOW, play?

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