On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Valentina Poletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In other words, Vladimir, you are suggesting that an AGI must be at some
> level controlled from humans, therefore not 'fully-embodied' in order to
> prevent non-friendly AGI as the outcome.

Controlled in Friendliness sense of the word. (I still have no idea
what "embodied" refers to, now that you, me and Terren used it in
different senses, and I recall reading a paper about 6 different
meanings of this word in academic literature, none of them very

> Therefore humans must somehow be able to control its goals, correct?
> Now, what if controlling those goals would entail not being able to create
> an AGI, would you suggest we should not create one, in order to avoid the
> disastrous consequences you mentioned?

Why would anyone suggest creating a disaster, as you pose the question?

Vladimir Nesov

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