
On 9/3/08, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Terren Suydam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Vlad,

I wonder if the use of "Vlad" (which brings to mind Vlad the Impaler) was
intentional here. The original Vlad publicly impaled his objectors to bring
about domestic tranquility. If domestic tranquility is all that is wanted,
this can often be achieved by impaling your objectors.

> > Thanks for the response. It seems that you're advocating an incremental
> > approach *towards* FAI, the ultimate goal being full attainment of
> Friendliness...
> > something you express as fraught with difficulty but not insurmountable.
> > As you know, I disagree that it is attainable, because it is not possible
> in
> > principle to know whether something that considers itself Friendly
> actually
> > is. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, as the saying goes,
> > and Friendliness depends on whether you're the egg or the cook.
> >
> Sorry Terren, I don't understand what you are trying to say in the
> last two sentences. What does "considering itself Friendly" means and
> how it figures into FAI, as you use the phrase?

If the goal is friendliness and the AGI perceives itself as attaining that
goal, then shouldn't it perceive itself as friendly?

What (I assume) kind
> of experiment or arbitrary decision are you talking about?

OK, lets take a concrete example: The Middle East situation, and ask our
infinitely intelligent AGI what to do about it. I will list some
possibilities for you to choose among, or you can state another possibility
that you think better fits your "friendly" AGI.

1.  Refuse to consider problems like this, because the choice may determine
who lives and who dies, and that just wouldn't be "friendly".
2.  Help the Israeli's by showing methods of eliminating the Palestinians,
who even if successfully occupied, will still soon outnumber and outvote the
Israelis in Israel, thereby ending Jewish government in Israel.
3.  Help the Palestinians, who have had ~85% of their land summarily taken
by an invading and subjugating power, and find some way of ejecting the
invading Israelis.
4.  Seeing no solution where countless smart leaders have previously failed,
just stay out of it and let them continue killing each other.
5.  Under threat of being annihilated by your friendly AGI, force them to
consider reasonable alternatives that are now presently politically
unacceptable to both sides.
6.  ???

OK, so what is the "friendly" thing for an AGI to do? If I were "the man in
the box" I would opt for #5 above. What would you do?

Steve Richfield

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