--- On Wed, 9/3/08, Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>OK, lets take a concrete example: The Middle East situation,
>and ask our infinitely intelligent AGI what to do about it.

OK, lets take a concrete example of friendly AI, such as competitive message 
routing ( http://www.mattmahoney.net/agi.html ). CMR has an algorithmically 
complex definition of "friendly". The behavior of billions of peers (narrow-AI 
specialists) are controlled by their human owners who have an economic 
incentive to trade cooperatively and provide useful information. Nevertheless, 
the environment is hostile, so a large fraction (probably most) of CPU cycles 
and knowledge will probably be used to defend against attacks, primarily spam.

CMR is friendly AGI because a lot of narrow-AI specialists that understand just 
enough natural language to do their jobs and know just a little about where to 
route other messages will result (I believe) in a system that is generally 
useful as a communication medium to humans. You would just enter any natural 
language message and it would get routed to anyone who cares, human or machine.

So to answer your question, CMR would not solve the Middle East conflict. It is 
not designed to. That is for people to do. Forcing people to do anything is not 

CMR is friendly in the sense that a market is friendly. A market can sell 
weapons to both sides, but markets also reward cooperation. Countries that 
trade with each other have an incentive not to go to war. Likewise, the 
internet can be used to plan attacks and promote each sides' agenda, but also 
to make it easier for the two sides to communicate.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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