> And the definition 3.7 that you mentioned *does* match up, perfectly,
> when the {w+, w} truth-value is interpreted as a way of representing
> the likelihood density function of the prob_inh. Easy! The challenge
> is section 4.4 in the paper you reference: syllogisms. The way
> evidence is spread around there doesn't match with definition 3.7, not
> without further probabilistic assumptions.

which seems to be because the semantic interpretation of evidence
in 3.7 is different in NARS than in PLN or most probabilistic treatments...

this is why I suggested to look at how 3.7 is used to model a real
versus how that situation would be modeled in prob. theory...

having a good test situation in mind might help to think about the
syllogistic rules more clearly

it needs to be a situation where the terms and relations are grounded in
a system's experience, as that is what NARS and PLN semantics are both
all about...


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