On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 9:09 PM, Abram Demski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (1) In probability theory, an event E has a constant probability P(E)
>> (which can be unknown). Given the assumption of insufficient knowledge
>> and resources, in NARS P(A-->B) would change over time, when more and
>> more evidence is taken into account. This process cannot be treated as
>> conditioning, because, among other things, the system can neither
>> explicitly list all evidence as condition, nor update the probability
>> of all statements in the system for each piece of new evidence (so as
>> to treat all background knowledge as a default condition).
>> Consequently, at any moment P(A-->B) and P(B-->C) may be based on
>> different, though unspecified, data, so it is invalid to use them in a
>> rule to calculate the "probability" of A-->C --- probability theory
>> does not allow cross-distribution probability calculation.
> This is not a problem the way I set things up. The likelihood of a
> statement is welcome to change over time, as the evidence changes.

If each of them is changed independently, you don't have a single
probability distribution anymore, but a bunch of them. In the above
case, you don't really have P(A-->B) and P(B-->C), but P_307(A-->B)
and P_409(B-->C). How can you use two probability values together if
they come from different distributions?

>> (2) For the same reason, in NARS a statement might get different
>> "probability" attached, when derived from different evidence.
>> Probability theory does not have a general rule to handle
>> inconsistency within a probability distribution.
> The same statement holds for PLN, right?

Yes. Ben proposed a solution, which I won't comment until I see all
the details in the PLN book.

>> The first half is fine, but the second isn't. As the previous example
>> shows, in NARS a high Confidence does implies that the Frequency value
>> is a good summary of evidence, but a low Confidence does implies that
>> the Frequency is bad, just that it is not very stable.
> But I'm not talking about confidence when I say "higher". I'm talking
> about the system of levels I defined, for which it is perfectly OK.

Yes, but the whole purpose of adding another value is to handle
inconsistency and belief revision. Higher-order probability is
mathematically sound, but won't do this work.

Think about a concrete example: if from one source the system gets
P(A-->B) = 0.9, and P(P(A-->B) = 0.9) = 0.5, while from another source
P(A-->B) = 0.2, and P(P(A-->B) = 0.2) = 0.7, then what will be the
conclusion when the two sources are considered together?


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