Just the two patents 6587846 & 7236963

But I am also collaborating on an expert-system demo website
that should be up and running after the holidays...

I still feel motivation is the crucial shortcut to AGI

Neutral facts are OK --  "puppies are small"

But "I luv puppies" really screams something...

John LaMuth

----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] Super-Human friendly AGI

Really, really comprehensive. What stage would you say your work is at today?

On 10/5/08, John LaMuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greetings All

I am pleased to announce the upcoming expanded edition of my original
reference work
"A Diagnostic Classification of the Emotions" of which I serve as
Editor-in-Chief - for which potential contributors being solicited with
respect coding for emotional / friendly AGI
This new release - A Diagnostic Classification of the Emotions ETR (Expanded
Text Revision) also known as -- DCE-II
expands upon the previous DCE-I that was released in 2005. This work has
enjoyed widespread distribution in academic libraries and collections
worldwide and is published by Reference Books of America.

As chief editor, I, John E. LaMuth, am seeking writers and researchers that wish to contribute towards defining the various emotions, virtues, and vices that will become part of the expanded DCE-II three-digit coding system, that
serves to order emotional AGI. Whereas humans can serially only entertain
only one train of thought at a time, the current coding system allows for
virtually unlimited branching / parallel processing of emotive language,
permitting super-human calculation. Fortunately for us, this domain can
easily be *dumbed-down* to a serial pace that humans could comprehend ...

Please see the partial list of open topics appended below -- which roughly
doubles the scope of the original work.
Potential contributors with specific expertise in the virtues, values, and
vices are invited to visit www.lifemeaning.net for more detailed
information. A partial layout of the numbering system exists on this Web
site that encompasses the major listings of virtues, emotions and values.

The website for the original DCE-I is hosted at

As there is nothing to match this project on the trade market today, this
revised reference work is destined to remain an essential property for
libraries worldwide.
Essays within the range of 300-500 words with respect to each of the
available individual terms will be considered for inclusion. Participants
will be fully credited as contributors and/or consultants to the project in the acknowledgements and will be presented with complimentary copies of the final published release. I am also seeking contributions with regards to a
Foreword section, as well as in an overall critiquing capacity.

Any suggestions/proposals concerning this cutting-edge area of
emotive/affective research can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Additional details and outlines of this project are available upon request.
Please visit www.lifemeaning.net for more information, or contact John
LaMuth 206-337-0998 (PDT)

Below are the pair of lists of available short essay topics (divided into
either the virtuous and the vices).
These are primarily accessory terms that complement (in an empathic fashion)
the more major terms (already done - to follow)
where format dictates that the you and I roles are reversed..
These are in listed in partial alphabetical order below.


Adherence   Wariness            Demureness    Timidity
Adoration    Obeisance           Sublimity  Acquittal
Affection Amity Gladness Accordance
         Amiability  Placation                        Favor    Empathy
     Beneficence   Propitiation                Benignity   Remission
Blessings     Conscience                  Charm    Credence
Bountifulness     Freedom                   Devotion     Fairness
       Conviviality  Concordance              Sanction   Commiseration
         Courtesy     Forbearance            Kindness     Scruples
Exaltation    Uprightness    Circumspection   Equitableness
Fealty    Accountability           Simplicity    Blamelessness
Fervor Victory Excellence Amicableness Gallantry Intrepidity Coyness Complaisance
       Generosity   Consonance        Thanksgiving    Pity
  Graciousness     Patience            Benevolence    Shrewdness
Happiness   Commitment              Splendor    Flawlessness
Holiness   Regretfulness                 Ardor    Dispensation
Ostentation   Remorse                     Acclaim    Remittance
           Passion     Apprehension        Admiration    Caring
Poignancy     Culpability                    Praise    Censure
           Respect     Probity                  Continence    Bravery
Serenity    Brotherhood               Rapture    Contentment
      Stateliness    Stalwartness   Wholesomeness  Compliance
Steadfastness    Obligation                 Loftiness    Exculpation
Supremacy   Grief                         Exultation   Redemption

THE VICES -- (mostly related to Hyperviolence)

Absurdity   Willfulness        Ravenousness  Dastardliness
        Animosity     Torment               Wickedness   Guilefulness
        Brashness  Irascibility               Cravenness   Repugnance
      Brazenness  Petulance        Possessiveness  Revulsion
           Brutality    Barbarity              Heinousness  Ruthlessness
     Coarseness    Acrimony                    Cupidity   Opposition
        Crassness  Petulance                    Voracity   Cravenness
Debauchery   Servility                     Disloyalty   Grievousness
            Discord   Ferocity                      Badness   Deviousness
      Dispassion     Arbitrariness        Resentment   Malevolence
Disrepute   Ignobility                     Sedition    Avengement
         Effrontery   Temerity                    Yearning    Loathing
             Enmity    Militancy                  Sinisterity    Baseness
Enragement   Discrimination   Grotesqueness Damnation
Fury     Despotism            Hideousness   Mendacity
      Gleefulness   Rigorousness          Pretension    Acrimony
Haughtiness   Agony                         Servility    Sarcasm
    Impertinence    Surliness             Invidiousness   Despisal
Indignation    Subjugation              Revulsion   Duplicity
Indolence   Dereliction                    Mutiny     Reprisal
Irateness   Intolerance            Abhorrence   Banefulness
Languor   Callousness        Grudgingness  Malignancy
           Lethargy   Nonchalance              Umbrage  Peevishness
         Lewdness  Rancor              Rapaciousness  Vexation
 Licentiousness   Savagery                    Treason   Despondency
Madness   Bigotry                          Horror       Ruin
        Meanness   Truculency                   Nefarity  Insidiousness
       Narcissism   Ignominy             Blandishment  Reprehension
 Notoriety   Ignominy                   Rebellion   Retribution
Odium   Disgracefulness      Rebellious.  Revenge
Outrage  Imperiousness          Nastiness   Deceitfulness
 Pietism    Affliction             Subservience   Satiricism
Preposterousness   Fickleness                   Lechery   Pusillanimity
Profligacy    Bondage                       Perfidy   Desperation
Sloth    Carelessness   Traitorousness   Retaliation
Sluggishness   Laxity          Untrustworthiness   Requital
Snobbery  Opprobrium            Courtliness   Denunciation
Vainglory  Despondency    Condescension  Derision
Viciousness  Atrocity                   Balefulness  Fiendishness

Below is further listed an exaustive list of codes from DCE-I
Please note that there are gaps/omissions in some of the code sequences...
These are where the new terms/codes (and essays) will be incorporated...
Very little of the existing coding system is directly affected by the
incorporation of the new terms.

MASTER INDEX of the 3-Digit Codes *******
All Rights Reserved

The Major Virtues - 100 to 199

110 - Nostalgia
111 - Guilt
112 - Desire
113 - Worry
114 - Poignance
115 - Culpability
116 - Passion
117 - Apprehension
118 - Individualism
119 - Quintessentialism
120 - Hero-worship
121 - Blame
122 - Approval
123 - Concern
124 - Adoration
125 - Censure
126 - Admiration
127 - Caring
128 - Pragmatism
129 - Expediency
130 - Glory
131 - Honor
132 - Dignity
133 - Integrity
134 - Exaltation
135 - Uprightness
136 - Respectfulness
137 - Probity
138 - Personalism
139 - Heroism
140 - Prudence
141 - Justice
142 - Temperance
143 - Fortitude
144 - Circumspection
145 - Equitableness
146 - Continence
147 - Bravery
148 - Utilitarianism
149 - Practicality
150 - Providence
151 - Liberty
152 - Civility
153 - Austerity
154 - Bountifulness
155 - Freedom
156 - Courtesy
157 - Forbearance
158 - Romanticism
159 - Charisma
160 - Faith
161 - Hope
162 - Charity
163 - Decency
164 - Devotion
165 - Fairness
166 - Kindness
167 - Scrupulousness
168 - Ecclesiasticism
169 - Dogmatism
170 - Grace
171 - Free-will
172 - Magnanimity
173 - Equanimity
174 - Blessings
175 - Conscientiousness
176 - Graciousness
177 - Patience
178 - Ecumenism
179 - Evangelism
180 - Beauty
181 - Truth
182 - Goodness
183 - Wisdom
184 - Charm
185 - Credence
186 - Benevolence
187 - Shrewdness
188 - Eclecticism
189 - Moralism
190 - Tranquility
191 - Equality
192 - Love
193 - Peace
194 - Serenity
195 - Brotherhood
196 - Affection
197 - Amity
198 - Humanism
199 - Altruism
100 - Ecstasy
101 - Bliss
102 - Joy
103 - Harmony
104 - Happiness
105 - Contentment
106 - Gladness
107 - Sympathy
108 - Mysticism
109 - Spiritualism

The Lesser Virtues -- 200 to 299

210 - Self-Esteem
211 - Apology
212 - Congeniality
213 - Appeasement
220  -  Loyalty
220.1 - Reverence
221  -  Responsibility
221.1 - Clemency
222  -  Discipline
222.1 - Concession
223  -  Vigilance
223.1 - Sympathy
230  -  Pomp
230.1 - Humility
231  -  Rectitude
231.1 - Innocence
232  -  Cordiality
232.1 - Modesty
233  -  Vigilance
233.1 - Meekness
240  -  Fidelity
240.1 - Veneration
241  -  Duty
241.1 - Pardon
242  -  Chivalry
242.1 - Indulgence
243  -  Courage
243.1 - Compassion
250  -  Sanctity
250.1 - Majesty
251  -  Penitence
251.1 - Vindication
252  -  Hospitality
252.1 - Chastity
253  -  Accommodation
253.1 - Obedience
260  -  Piety
260.1 - Homage
261  -  Allegiance
261.1 - Absolution
262  -  Nobility
262.1 - Patronization
263  -  Valor
263.1 - Mercy
270  -  Dominion
270.1 - Magnificence
271  -  Contrition
271.1 - Exoneration
272  -  Goodwill
272.1 - Purity
273  -  Sacrifice
273.1 - Conformity
280  -  Felicity
280.1 - Benediction
281  -  Righteousness
281.1 - Deliverance
282  -  Zeal
282.1 - Altruism
283  -  Triumph
283.1 - Redemption
290.1 - Grandeur
291.1 - Immaculateness
292.1 - Perfection
293.1 - Pacifism

The Vices of Excess -- 300 to 399

300 - Sycophancy
301 - Cynicism
302 - Affectation
303 - Bitterness
310 - Pride
311 - Shame
312 - Impudence
313 - Insolence
320 - Flattery
321 - Criticism
322 - Envy
323 - Disdain
330 - Vanity
331 - Humiliation
332 - Arrogance
333 - Audacity
340 - Adulation
341 - Ridicule
342 - Jealousy
343 - Contempt
350 - Conceit
351 - Mortification
352 - Impetuosity
353 - Rashness
360 - Patronization
361 - Scorn
362 - Covetousness
363 - Reproach
370 - Pretentiousness
371 - Anguish
372 - Presumption
373 - Boldness
380 - Indulgence
381 - Mockery
382 - Longing
383 - Chagrin
390 - Sanctimony
391 - Tribulation
392 - Smugness
393 - Harshness

Mental Illness -- 400 to 499

410 - Narcissistic Personality
411 - Borderline Personality
412 - Dependent Personality
413 - Avoidant Personality
420  -  Histrionic Personality
420.1 - Obsession Neurosis
421  -  Paranoid Personality
421.1 - Phobia Neurosis
422  -  Passive/Aggressive Personality
422.1 - Compulsion Neurosis
423  -  Schizoid Personality
423.1 - Anxiety Neurosis
430  -  Confabulatory Euphoria
430.1 - Dissociative Hysteria
431  -  Suspicious Depression
431.1 - Depersonalization Neurosis
432  -  Pure Mania
432.1 - Conversion Hysteria
433  -  Pure Melancholy
433.1 - Neuraesthenic Neurosis
440  -  Happiness Psychosis
440.1 - Confabulatory Paraphrenia
441  -  Anxiety Psychosis
441.1 - Fantastic Paraphrenia
442  -  Manic/Dep. Disease
442.1 - Expansive Paraphrenia
443  -  M./Depressive Disease
443.1 - Incoherent Paraphrenia
450  -  Enthusiastic Euphoria
450.1 - Confabulatory-Affect-Laden Paraphrenia
451  -  Self-Torturing Depression
451.1 - Fantastic-Affect/Laden Paraphrenia
452  -  Unproductive Euphoria
452.1 - Manic-Affect-Laden Paraphrenia
453  -  Harried Depression
453.1 - Confused-Affect/Laden Paraphrenia
460  -  Excited Confusion Psychosis
460.1 - Proskinetic Catatonia
461  -  Inhibited Confusion Psychosis
461.1 - Negativistic Catatonia
462  -  Hyperkinetic Motility Psychosis
462.1 - Parakinetic Catatonia
463  -  Akinetic Motility Psychosis
463.1 - Affected Catatonia
470  -  Non-Participatory Euphoria
470.1 - Excited Cataphasia
471  -  Non-Participatory Depression
471.1 - Inhibited Cataphasia
472  -  Hypochondriacal Euphoria
472.1 - Hyperkinetic Periodic Catatonia
473  -  Hypochondriacal Depression
473.1 - Akinetic Periodic Catatonia
480.1 - Silly Hebephrenia
481.1 - Insipid Hebephrenia
482.1 - Eccentric Hebephrenia
483.1 - Autistic  Hebephrenia

The Vices of Defect -- 500 to 599

510 - Laziness
511 - Negligence
512 - Apathy
513 - Indifference
514 - Slothfulness
515 - Carelessness
516 - Dispassion
517 - Callousness
518 - Knavery
519 - Mischievousness
520 - Treachery
521 - Vindictiveness
522 - Spite
523 - Malice
524 - Mutiny
525 - Retaliation
526 - Grudgingness
527 - Malevolence
528 - Fraud
529 - Deception
530 - Infamy
531 - Dishonor
532 - Foolishness
533 - Capriciousness
534 - Notoriousness
535 - Ignominy
536 - Crassness
537 - Fickleness
538 - Villainy
539 - Notoriety
540 - Insurgency
541 - Vengeance
542 - Gluttony
543 - Cowardice
544 - Rebellion
545 - Retribution
546 - Lechery
547 - Pusillanimity
548 - Corruption
549 - Venality
550 - Prodigality
551 - Slavery
552 - Vulgarity
553 - Cruelty
554 - Scandal
555 - Bondage
556 - Rudeness
557 - Wantonness
558 - Profanity
559 - Scandalousness
560 - Betrayal
561 - Despair
562 - Avarice
563 - Antagonism
564 - Treason
565 - Desperation
566 - Greed
567 - Contentiousness
568 - Heresy
569 - Sanctimony
570 - Wrath
571 - Tyranny
572 - Oppression
573 - Persecution
574 - Disgracefulness
575 - Subjugation
576 - Brutality
577 - Torment
578 - Apostasy
579 - Fanaticism
580 - Ugliness
581 - Hypocrisy
582 - Evil
583 - Cunning
584 - Vileness
585 - Mendacity
586 - Wickedness
587 - Ruthlessness
588 - Anarchism
589 - Lawlessness
590 - Anger
591 - Prejudice
592 - Hatred
593 - Belligerence
594 - Fury
595 - Bigotry
596 - Meanness
597 - Atrocity
598 - Nihilism
599 - Alienation
500 - Abomination
501 - Perdition
502 - Iniquity
503 - Turpitude
504 - Abhorrence
505 - Pernicity
506 - Diabolism
507 - Depravity
508 - Diabolicalism
509 - Heathenism

600 to 899 -- Not shown due to
              space constraints
(Criminality, Hypercriminality,
and Hyperviolence)


John E. LaMuth MS
206-337-0998  Pacific Time
fax: 586-314-5960
P.O. Box 105
Lucerne Valley, CA - USA - 92356


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