> But when you see someone, theorist or critic, who almost never
> demonstrates any genuine capacity for reexamining his own theories or
> criticisms from any critical vantage point what so ever, then it's a
> strong negative indicator.
> Jim Bromer

I would be hesitant to draw strong conclusions about someone's internal
thought processes from their conversational behavior, though.

Some people may put on a show of defensiveness but secretly be
highly, and adeptly, self-critical

Others may put on a show of self-doubt and self-criticism, yet actually
be more dogmatic and inflexible than anyone...

I doubt very much that anyone capable of coming up with an interesting
theory is actually incapable of reexamining their own theories from a
vantage point ...

Also, some people feel differently than you, and are negative to folks who
criticize their own theories -- with an attitude such as "Hmmph.  If even
**you** don't fully believe your own theories, why would you expect
anyone else to??"

Personally, I have swung between extremes of excessive self-doubt
and excessive self-confidence many times ... but one way or another,
I've kept pushing ahead hard with the work, regardless of the emotional
fluctuations my limbic system may cook up...

-- Ben G

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