On 10/15/2008 8:01 AM, Ben Goertzel wrote:
 What are your thoughts on this?

A narrower focus of the list would be better for me personally.

I've been convinced for a long time that computer-based AGI is possible, and am working toward it. As such, I'm no longer interested in arguments about whether it is feasible or not. I skip over those postings in the list.

I also skip over postings which are about a pet theory rather than a true reply to the original post. They tend to have the form "your idea x will not work because it is in opposition to my theory y, which states <insert complex description here>." Certainly ones own ideas and theories should contribute to a reply, but they should not /be/ the reply.

And the last category that I skip are discussions that have gone far into an area that I don't consider relevant to my own line of inquiry. But I think those are valuable contributions to the list, just not of immediate interest to me. Like a typical programmer, I tend to over-focus on what I'm working on. But what I find irrelevant may be spot on for someone else, or for me at some other time.

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