> From: Terren Suydam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This is a publicly accessible forum with searchable archives... you
> don't necessarily have to be subscribed and inundated to find those
> nuggets. I don't know any funding decision makers myself, but if I were
> in control of a budget I'd be using every resource at my disposal to
> clarify my decision. If I were considering Novamente for example I'd be
> looking for exactly the kind of exchanges you and Richard Loosemore
> (for example) have had on the list, to gain a better understanding of
> possible criticism, and because others may be able to articulate such
> criticism far better than me.  Obviously the same goes for anyone else
> on the list who would look for funding... I'd want to see you defend
> your ideas, especially in the absence of peer-reviewed journals
> (something the JAGI hopes to remedy obv).

Unfortunately there's going to be funding thrown at AGI that has nothing to
do with any sort of great theory or concrete engineering plans. Software and
technology funding many times doesn't work that way. It's rather arbitrary.
I hope the right people get the right opportunities.


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