> From: Eric Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Honestly, if the idea is to wave our hands at one another's ideas then
> let's at least see something on the table. I'm happy to discuss my
> work with natural language parsing and mood evaluation for
> low-bandwidth human mimicry, for instance, because it has amounted to
> thousands of lines of occasionally-fungible code thus far. It's not on
> sourceforge because it's still a mess but I'll pastebin it if you ask.

What's the gist of the code? Sounds like chat-bot but I just know there is
more to it.

> I don't understand how people wallow in their theories for so long
> that they become a matter of dogma, with the need for proof removed,
> and the urgency of producing and testing an implementation subverted
> by smugness and egotism. The people here worth listening to don't have
> to make excuses. They can show their work.

True though. But if your theory is good enough the first person usually sold
on it is yourself. And then you must become an ardent follower.

> I see a lot of evasiveness and circular arguments going on, where
> people are seeking some kind of theoretical high-ground without giving
> away anything that could bolster another theory. It's time-wastingly
> self-interested. We won't achieve consensus through half-explained
> denials and reversals. This list isn't a battle of theorems for
> supremacy. It is for collaboration.

Yep. Inter connecting at knowledge junctions could be conducive to more
civil collaborative effort. At some point compromises must be made and hands
shaken. Minds melded instead of heads banged :)

> My 2 cents. The internet archive seems to have shed about half the
> material I produced since the nineties, so I do apologize for being so
> pissed off >_<

Did the global brain forget the low latency long term memory of you? Perhaps
it's just compressed off into some lower latency subsystem.

There has to be more than one internet archive, honestly. The existing one
does have it's shortcomings.


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