I don't often request list moderation, but if this kind of off-topic spam
and clueless trolling doesn't call for it, nothing does, so: I hereby
request that a moderator take appropriate action.

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Steve Richfield

> Sometime when you are flying between the northwest US to/from Las Vegas,
> look out your window as you fly over Walker Lake in eastern Nevada. At the
> south end you will see a system of roads leading to tiny buildings, all
> surrounded by military security. From what I have been able to figure out,
> you will find the U.S. arsenal of chemical and biological weapons housed
> there. No, we are not now making these weapons, but neither are we disposing
> of them.
> Similarly, there has been discussion of developing advanced military
> technology using AGI and other computer-related methods. I believe that
> these efforts are fundamentally anti-democratic, as they allow a small
> number of people to control a large number of people. Gone are the days when
> people voted with their swords. We now have the best government that money
> can buy monitoring our every email, including this one, to identify anyone
> resisting such efforts. 1984 has truly arrived. This can only lead to a
> horrible end to freedom, with AGIs doing their part and more.
> Like chemical and biological weapons, unmanned and automated weapons should
> be BANNED. Unfortunately, doing so would provide a window of opportunity for
> others to deploy them. However, if we make these and stick them in yet
> another building at the south end of Walker Lake, we would be ready in case
> other nations deploy such weapons.
> How about an international ban on the deployment of all unmanned and
> automated weapons? The U.S. won't now even agree to ban land mines. At least
> this would restore SOME relationship between popular support and military
> might. Doesn't it sound "ethical" to insist that a human being decide when
> to end another human being's life? Doesn't it sound "fair" to require the
> decision maker to be in harm's way, especially when the person being killed
> is in or around their own home? Doesn't it sound unethical to add to the
> present situation? When deployed on a large scale, aren't these WMDs?
> Steve
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