Wouldn't it depend on the other researcher's area of expertise?

 -- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

From: Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org>
To: agi <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Sat, August 7, 2010 9:10:23 PM
Subject: [agi] Help requested: Making a list of (non-robotic) AGI low hanging 
fruit apps


A fellow AGI researcher sent me this request, so I figured I'd throw it
out to you guys....

I'm putting together an AGI pitch for investors and thinking of low
hanging fruit applications to argue for. I'm intentionally not
involving any mechanics (robots, moving parts, etc.). I'm focusing on
voice (i.e. conversational agents) and perhaps vision-based systems.
Hellen Keller AGI, if you will :)

Along those lines, I'd like any ideas you may have that would fall
under this description. I need to substantiate the case for such AGI
technology by making an argument for high-value apps. All ideas are

All serious responses will be appreciated!!

Also, I would be grateful if we
could keep this thread closely focused on direct answers to this
question, rather than
digressive discussions on Helen Keller, the nature of AGI, the definition of AGI
versus narrow AI, the achievability or unachievability of AGI, etc.
etc.  If you think
the question is bad or meaningless or unclear or whatever, that's
fine, but please
start a new thread with a different subject line to make your point.

If the discussion is useful, my intention is to mine the answers into a compact
list to convey to him

Ben G

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