On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Steve Richfield wrote:

> Note my prior posting explaining my inability even to find a source of
> "used" mice for kids to use in high-school anti-aging experiments, all while
> university labs are now killing their vast numbers of such mice. So long as
> things remain THIS broken, anything that isn't part of the solution simply
> becomes a part of the very big problem, AIs included.

You might be inerested in this- I've been putting together an
adopt-a-lab-rat program that is actually an adoption program for lab mice.
In some cases mice that are used as a control group in experiments are then
discarded at the end of the program because, honestly, their lifetime is
over more or less, so the idea is that some people might be interested in
"adopting" these mice. Of course, you can also just pony up the $15 and get
one from Jackson Labs. I haven't fully launced adopt-a-lab-rat yet because I
am still trying to figure out how to avoid ending up in a situation where I
have hundreds of rats and rodents running around my apartment and I get the
short end of the stick (oops).

- Bryan
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